EPP product production process and specific steps

The current environmental protection material, EPP, has a good maintenance effect on the environment and will not cause any harm to the human body. It is widely used in many industries. Today, let's take a look at the production process and specific steps of EPP products.

EPP shape molding machine
EPP machine

1、 Preheat the mold for molding.

 2、 Incorporate materials into the mold

 3、 Steam enters the mold EPP packaging.

 Steam: Steam is washed from top to bottom to expel air from the steam chamber and condensate flows out. During this process, the EPP incubator supplier opens the upper steam inlet valve and the lower condensate drain valve.

 Side steam: Sweep the steam from one end of the steam chamber to the other end, and then reach the material. At this time, close the condensation valve on one side and open the steam intake valve. At the same time, close the steam inlet valve on the opposite side, and open the condensate valve to eject steam from the opposite direction. If there is a very thin flange inside the mold, steam can easily pass through the flange, allowing the material sandwiched in the flange to be evaporated.

 3. Pressurization: The process of pressurizing or double-sided pressurization is required after horizontal steam passage. Open the steam inlet valve and close the condensate discharge valve. The manufacturer of the EPP incubator gradually reaches a very high pressure.

 4、 Cool down. After steam injection, the temperature in the mold usually reaches 140 ℃. To ensure a smooth release of the product, it is necessary to reduce the mold temperature to 70 ℃.

 5、 Punch holes. When the internal pressure is released and the temperature is lowered to the allowable mold release temperature, the mold release operation can be started.

 6、 The drying temperature for drying and shaping is generally set at 60 ℃~80 ℃. The drying room should be kept dry with good ventilation conditions.

Post time: Apr-03-2023